Russell Brand takes Anthony Fauci to task over lab theory

Russell Brand, whose appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher a couple weeks ago went viral on Twitter for blasting mainstream media’s commitment to favoritism, has now posted a 16-minute video to YouTube wherein he mocks Dr. Anthony Fauci for his denial of the possibility that COVID-19 could have originated from a lab leak.

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Brand, whose video already exceeds 300k views, offers that Fauci is “issuing propaganda,” and does so “no matter how implausible it might sound.”

However, to the comedian, not all of it is a laughing matter.

Fauci, who is seen on this week’s PBS documentary thoroughly laughing about the mere suggestion of a lab accident, has been under some pressure recently after the FBI and others have stated that there is indeed a possibility that a lab accident may have started the pandemic.

Russell Brand begins his video by saying, “The FBI, a former director of the CDC, and the head of the Department of Energy all think that COVID likely came from a lab.”

The CDC Director that Brand is referring to is Dr. Robert Redfield who, as Brand’s video shows, testified before the House Select Committee and explained that early in the pandemic, he was intentionally excluded from discussions meant to determine what the public would be told about the origins of the COVID-19 breakout. 

Redfield says he strongly believed that COVID-19 originated from a lab accident, but felt all possibilities had to be considered in order to find the truth, explaining, “I had a different point of view, and I was told they made a decision that they would keep this confidential until they came up with a single narrative, which I argue is antithetical to science.”

Brand seized this moment to segue to his comments about Fauci, saying, “Redfield’s explanation sounds eerily similar to what we’ve all long suspected actually happened; that they had a preference for a particular perspective, and promoted a lot [of] information that led to that perspective, while excluding information that might challenge it.”

He also notes that the lab leak theory makes Fauci seem defensive, unfortunately, if not deceptive, referring to a CNN interview from two weeks ago with Jim Acosta during which Fauci suggested, “A lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild, maybe looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab, and was being studied in the lab, then came out of the lab. But if that’s the definition of a lab leak, Jim, then it’s still a natural occurrence.” 

Fauci’s attempt to try and lead the public into believing that even if COVID-19 started from a lab leak that it’s still natural, contradicts explanations by other doctors and scientists.

One of those scientists is Dr. Stephen Quay, who believes that the COVID-19 pandemic actually did arise from a lab accident.

Newsweek reported earlier this week that Quay was shut down during the pandemic by the powers that be. Quay also explained, “I found that when you looked at this virus, it had none of the properties of natural infection and still doesn’t to this day. To me, it looks much more like what would happen as a result of a lab accident.”

There were also emails released earlier this month that suggest an attempt to ensure that the lab leak theory itself was targeted.

The theory gained significant momentum early in the pandemic because the Wuhan Institute of Virology researches coronavirus in bats and everyone including Fauci agrees that the COVID-19 outbreak began in Wuhan. Fauci has theorized that it began naturally less than ten miles from the lab. 

During 2020, Fauci continuously referred to a study conducted by many highly regarded scientists that concluded a lab leak was highly unlikely. However, the newly released emails show that Fauci himself commissioned that very study, despite never mentioning that important tidbit publicly. They also reveal that Dr. Kristian Andersen, who was a part of creating the study, writing in an email, “Our main work over the last couple of weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any lab theory.”

The communication in the emails strongly suggests that the study had a less-than-honest agenda.

Although Brand mentions neither the emails, nor Dr. Stephen Quay, he does mention another news piece from the last several days.

Brand showed clips from an NBC Nightly News segment speculating whether COVID-19 began due to transmission from raccoon dogs. In the segment, it’s basically pointed out that the theory is a stretch, at best.

Using raccoon dogs as his running joke of the video, Brand asks, “Do you notice Anthony Fauci’s willingness to investigate meandering theories around raccoon dogs and people popping up into the woods and getting a bat?”

However, Brand’s conclusion on why Fauci insists it’s not a lab leak is no joking matter. Brand concludes, “He (Fauci) is never willing to investigate roots of analysis that might lead to personal or institutional culpability.”
