Bret Easton Ellis: Watching Glee is like a stepping into a puddle of HIV


As you know by know, I really dislike Glee. I dislike the actual show, I dislike the actors on the show, I dislike the characters, and most of all, I dislike the IDEA of the show. As such, I don’t watch that junk. But far be it from me to judge a masochist like Bret Easton Ellis! BEE is the author of such novels as American Psycho, Less Than Zero and The Rules of Attraction. He was also working on a script for The Golden Suicides, which we talked about last year. BEE also hates Glee. But he still totally watches it:


[From Bret Easton Ellis’s Twitter]

Is this wrong? Sure. Should we, as a society, not makes jokes about puddles of HIV? Of course. Did I giggle? Yep. I also appreciate that Bret made it clear that he was not drunk, and I liked the reference to “the hivs”. Gah! I’m going to hell, you can just say it. Not only do I hate Glee, I laugh at jokes about puddles of HIV. HELL… see you there!

By the way, I’m brining this up because YOU KNOW Ryan Murphy is going to say something. This is a preemptive strike.




Photos courtesy of GQ.
